Please note the following safely guidelines.

  1. We require that you always wear a helmet when you’re on your bike. No exceptions.

  2. Always be aware of your surroundings and make sensible choices.

  3. Follow the rules of the road.  After departure from the Town of Mammoth Lakes, riders will share the road with the general public. 

  4. Always ride single-file. No exceptions.

  5. If there is a serious medical emergency, dial 911. Please report emergencies to our staff immediately.

  6. If you need to stop along the road for any reason, pull completely off the pavement and be visible to cars coming from either direction. Do not stop on a curve, at the top of a hill or anywhere you may not be visible to approaching traffic.

  7. Ride predictably, and in a straight line. Avoid excessive weaving back and forth and stay in control, especially with downhill speeds.

  8. Stop at all red lights and at all stop signs.

  9. Drink lots of water, eat lots of snacks, and wear sunscreen.

  10. Be safe, be seen and stay visible!